SciAccess is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring, developing, and promoting innovative approaches to equitable science access. From mentoring high schoolers to consulting with aerospace executives, we are working to change perspectives on disability in STEM.

Thank you to all who attended the
SciAccess 2024 Conference!

Dr. Mahadeo Sukhai,Director of Research and Chief Accessibility Officer, Canadian National Institute of the Blind“The importance of [SciAccess] is that it sends the message: We Are Not Alone.”
“SciAccess provides a sense of community and hopefulness in knowing that there is work being done in this area and it is improving the experience of
all students!"
Jen SchlegelCEO/Founder of 119, Handicom & Handicode“Representation matters. SciAccess brings the STEM community out of the shadows and constraints of false societal expectations and into the light of building a better world. ”

“My son now has goals he didn’t have before...He felt so appreciated and validated as the smart kid he is instead of all the bullies he deals with at school.”
Denna LambertInclusive Innovation Lead, Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) at NASA“SciAccess has demonstrated keen understanding and appreciation for the unique barriers experienced by individuals with disabilities who have interest in STEM fields.”
“Seriously, as a BVI [blind/visually impaired] member of the STEM
community, we need this.”